Thursday, July 21, 2011

Headaches and politics

There is an obsession with presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann and headaches. An article in The Daily Caller quoted a former staffer to the congresswoman who claimed the congresswoman had debilitating headaches. I googled "Bachmann+headaches" and it showed me 2,230,000 results. The other phrases that were being used in these articles were "pill popper," "incapacitating," "high heels," "suffering," and "stress-related."

Next time a male candidate shows some aggression on a basketball court I hope I see 2,230,000 results when I google "his name + aggression." Then I expect to see phrases such as "aggression in Oval Office?" "angry, "hates losing," "can't control," "can the world be safe?"

"If I don't have a woman every three days, I get terrible headaches."

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Erasing the women in the room

Well, there were only two women to erase so it made it easy for them. Secretary Clinton and Audrey Tomason Secretary Clinton (National Security Council) were digitally erased by a paper published in New York.  
The original photo:
The newspaper that published the doctored photograph is called  Di Tzeitung. The editorial team issued a statement expressing regret for doctoring the picture because it is an official White House photograph. They stood by their reasoning for erasing the images of the two women in the room; they follow the Rabbinical Board which does not allow the reproduction of photographs of women. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

There is a republican debate tonight. Here is a picture.

Something missing here? Yeah, I think so too.

Question idea for moderators: "Why aren't there any women running for president in the Republican party?"

I'm not letting the democratic party off the hook. In 2012 their won't be any women running either.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Women hold only 3% of high positions in Mainstream Media

With numbers like this women's ideas do not get floated into society. The debates in our country are formed and maintained by men.

And this looks even worse:
"According to a recent, two-year study of the four major Sunday talk shows by Media Matters, out of over 2,000 guests, 77 percent were men and 82 percent were white. The top rated show, "Meet the Press," also led the pack in male representation, at an embarrassing 85 percent."